Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Modern Architecture, Ferris Wheels, 1500 Pound Chocolate Bars

Classical architecture, ferris wheels, 1500 pound chocolate bars. These new, unheard of attractions at the Columbian Exposition attracted millions of unsuspecting, innocent guests to the preying ground of the narcissistic Dr. H. H. Holmes. Chicago, Illinois, the host of the 1983 World’s Fair, was home to this sadistic serial killer who attracted his prey using his education and occupation as a means to gain trust from new, unsuspecting travelers from the 46 nations who participated in the exposition. For three years, Chicago prepared for the exposition, building new architecture and creating new inventions to celebrate the 400 year anniversary of Columbus’s discovery of America; the doctor had the same idea, and so he built his own†¦show more content†¦As Henry grew up, he attended Michigan Medical School and graduated. When he earned his degree, he legally changed his name to Dr. H. H. Holmes in order to gain trust from the world’s population. In the 18 00’s and early 1900’s, the term â€Å"Dr.† was a well respected term given to people of great importance. Even today people coined with the term â€Å"Dr.† have earned a means of respect. Henry Mudgett changed his last name to Holmes, a well favored family name, during the late 1800’s and early 1900’s. Almost immediately after graduating from Michigan Medical School, Dr. Holmes moved to Chicago in order to own his own professional business. He visited a pharmacy which a dying man and his worried wife owned. Dr. Holmes preyed on the wife’s emotions and financial problems and convinced her to sign over her husband’s business. Dr. Holmes persuaded the wife that he was lifting a huge responsibility off of her shoulders so that she could be by her husband’s side while he slowly passed away. When the husband finally died, the wife mysteriously disappeared from Chicago and the original name of the pharmacy and the sign changed to the new store name chosen by Dr. Holmes, gggggg. When customers asked where the talkative and lively Mrs. ggggg was, Dr. Holmes reassured them that she was visiting family in gggggggg. Later, when they asked when Mrs. ggg was going to

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